Satan always overplays his hand, and GOD always uses the very thing the devil means for evil and our destruction to bring good and blessing to our lives. And therein is the treasure! The Covid-19 lockdown was intended by satan to unleash fear and hopelessness in our nation and all over the world and to demonstrate that GOD and the Church are “nonessential.” BUT GOD had a different end result in mind!
The LORD used the lockdown to drive us to our knees to seek Him. He used it to awaken His Bride. And as she was roused from her sleep, she was shocked and greatly offended, insulted, and provoked that ANYONE would dare declare that GOD and the Church are nonessential! She repented and wept over her complacency and slumber, and taking her place as the warrior Bride at the side of her Bridegroom, the LORD Jesus Christ, captain of the LORD of hosts, she has become the devil’s worst nightmare. Standing side by side with her Groom she echoes and decrees His words, “Enough! Enough evil! Enough corruption! Enough deception! Enough perversion! Enough lies! Enough of letting the enemy rule our land!”
“Enough!” says the Bride with her Bridegroom. And she boldly confronts the enemy and says, “In the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, I decree No More! Not on my watch! Satan, you will NOT have our nation! You will NOT have our families, our health, our churches, our finances, our destiny and the destiny of our nation! In HIS name, I demand you return to the Church and to this nation EVERYTHING you have stolen from us, and I demand you return it with interest! I decree that our children and grandchildren shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be their peace and undisturbed composure! I decree that GOD’s Church and the United States of America shall be established in righteousness, far from oppression and terror. I decree that whoever assembles against GOD and His Church shall fall!” (See Isaiah 54:13-15.) Hallelujah!
Oh yes, the LORD GOD Almighty hid from satan’s eyes the treasure hidden within the lockdown and let him hang himself on his own gallows! (See Esther 7:1-10.) What was intended to destroy the Church has instead awakened her and filled her with fire and passion for her Bridegroom. What was intended to usher in unbridled apostasy has instead paved the way for the greatest harvest, the greatest spiritual awakening, and the greatest outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT upon the earth the world has ever seen!
In the name of Jesus I declare and decree that the power of Covid-19 is broken, lockdown is over. The good purposes of GOD have been accomplished through them: the Bride is awake and taking her place, the Church is being cleansed, and sheep nations, including the Unites States of America, are returning to JEHOVAH ELOHIM and His Righteousness!
In the name of Jesus, Father, we decree Your will be done on the earth in EVERY nation. We ask You to raise up righteous leaders and set them in their appointed places in the United States and all over the world.
“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever, Amen” (I Timothy 1:17).
Love, Hugs, and Blessings,