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He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10, NIV)

Emotions are running high right now as we wait to get the results of this pivotal election. If we listen to the news, we may feel as if we are on a rollercoaster; one minute up, the next minute down. There is so much hatred being spewed out over the airwaves it continually feeds feelings of fear, anxiety, and anger. We can become a jumbled mess!

Many of God’s prophets of today gave prophecies of Donald John Trump being a two-term president as far back as 2007, years before Donald Trump had expressed any desire to run for president. Yesterday as I was considering all of those prophetic words and looking at the current situation (and, yes, trying to figure everything out!), I felt the need to tune everything else out and shut myself in with the Lord and seek His presence, journal in hand. As I did, He began to speak to me, and I believe these words are for you, the Ekklesia, as well:

“You do well to purposefully sense My presence, for though I am with you always, if you don’t remember that, you can become stressed, anxious, and fearful. It’s why the wolf tries to separate the sheep from the shepherd. When your mind is bombarded by fearful, anxious, or doubtful thoughts, it is difficult for you to hear Me. So it is well to train yourself to take those thoughts captive and dump them into the trash can, and then empty the trash can! Think My thoughts, speak My thoughts, speak My words, for in Me you will find perfect peace. In Me you will find confidence and strength. Do not fear the battle, relish the battle, for am not I, the LORD of hosts, with you? Be as David who looked at the boasting giant and said, ‘In the name of the LORD, I’m taking you down! This day the LORD has delivered you into my hand, and I’m going to take your head!’

As I was with David, so am I with you. And I am pleased by your boldness to declare victory in the face of what appears to be certain defeat. I like that! I like that you are releasing your voice to declare My will. I like that you are joining your voice with Mine to expose and take down the evil in this nation, the United States of America.

Every time you hear a negative report, cancel it and declare My Word and My will be done! This is the time to throw over the tables drive out those whose lust and greed for money and power have corrupted this nation. This is the time to pull down strongholds and smash the lie that political correctness is a god who must be obeyed, for My voice will not be silenced!

I am raising up My Church in this hour, and she is going to look very different from what she looks like now. She will be bold to declare evil is evil and good is good. She will no longer apologize for My gospel and try to make it appealing for those who are offended by it. She will preach the gospel, teach the gospel, live the gospel, and demonstrate the gospel, and she will not compromise My Word or her mission. There will be a falling away as those who are offended by My true gospel will leave the Church. I tell you this is a good thing, for those who remain will no longer be dragged down and held back by their oppressive influence and presence. My Church will become alive again, and she will once again become the dominant influence in the culture. Righteousness, love, joy, and peace will flow from her to bring healing, salvation, and deliverance to individuals and the nation, and My Church will be multiplied.

I am declaring a re-birth of the United States of America and a re-formation in My Church. So relish the battle. Fight it, do not fear it; for it ushers in a new era of My glory! Declare the victory. Decree the victory, for I will prevail and My glory will be seen again in My Church and in the United States of America!”

Amen! Fight the good fight of faith, my friends!

Love, Hugs, and Blessings,


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